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Win a Trip to Colorado’s Western Slope

Photo: Gunnison Crested Butte

There’s a reason why Crested Butte, Colorado plays host to an array of annual ski competitions, gear testing events, and extreme skiing celebrations. 

Photo: Gunnison Crested Butte

The old western charm of this hidden mountain town is hard to resist. It’s a place where freeskiing in its purest form defines the culture and attitude of the area. But its rich mining and ranching history still finds itself embedded in every street corner, building, and person who calls Crested Butte home.

Photo: Gunnison Crested Butte

The mountain itself is known for some of the best lift-served extreme skiing in the nation, and boasts 500 acres of stunningly beautiful, yet challenging terrain including the steepest in-bounds run on the continent, “Rambo.” Other infamous zones like the Headwall, Banana Chutes, and Teocalli bowl make Crested Butte the perfect proving grounds and backdrop for some of the most prominent events in skiing.

Photo: Gunnison Crested Butte

Crested Butte should be on the top of every freeskier’s hit list. The combination of world-class terrain and old western charm makes Crested Butte one of the last pure ski towns in the country. And now, you can visit this classic TGR destination courtesy of Gunnison Crested Butte. TGR has lined up an epic prize package for one lucky winner and a friend to get after it for 3 days at Crested Butte Mountain Resort and 3 nights at the Elevation Hotel & Spa. A winner will be chosen and announced next week, so be sure to enter here while you still can

Photo: Gunnison Crested Butte

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.
